Paul Courtney Congress Bursary Award 2024
The Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology is happy to announce the results of the Paul Courtney Congress Bursary Award for 2024. This year we are supporting Crace Conium Parsonage who will attend PMAC2024 in Swansea. Congratulations to Grace!
Previous Paul Courtney Student Travel Award holders
Susana Pacheco and Alfonso Leão, PhD students, NOVA-FCSH University of Lisbon – travel costs for attending PMAC2023 in Poznan, Poland
Luisa Nienhaus, PhD student, UCL – to travel to the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) meeting in Bern, Switzerland to organise the session “15 years after Merriman – Public Archaeology: looking back and thinking about the future.”
Emily Glass, PhD student, University of Bristol – to travel to the Practices, Materiality, Places and Temporality: New Approaches in Albanian Studies conference in Tirana, Albania.
Magdalena Przymorska-Sztuczka, PhD student – Department of Archaeology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń to travel to the 2018 SPMA Congress in Bristol.
Anton Larsson, PhD Student, University of Gothenburg, Sweden – to travel to the 2017 SPMA Congress in Hull.
Magdalena Majorek, PhD Student, Department of Archaeology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń – to travel to the 2016 SPMA Congress meeting in Sheffield.
Eugene Costello, NUI Galway, Ireland – to travel to the 2016 SPMA Congress meeting in Sheffield.